So, although we meant to plant out the baby tomato plants, and we still have laundry to do (don't we always) and meatballs were on the menu for tonight...instead we drank mint iced tea, made salads together, sat around in the air conditioning and talked and yeah...we swam some more in the pool.
What can we say? You'd have done the same.
Today was the last big relaxy day of enjoying my mom's visit...tomorrow we have an insane day of rushing hither and yon doing a ridiculous laundry list of errands and then we'll come home, pack Mama's bags, pour our exhausted children into their beds and get up to see her off in the early morning at La Guardia. Its been a very good run.
The air has that hazy summer quality and I'm starting to dream about all the things that are quintessential this time of year: key lime pie, lemon meringue pie, sun tea on the back porch, long drives with the windows down, country music you can sing along while said windows are down, tan lines and watermelon seed spitting contests and oh boy...sweet corn, fresh from the farmer's market...dripping with butter! Doesn't that sound divine?
Just the last little bit of May here and all of that will begin in earnest. It sure feels good to be recovering from a birth so quickly that 5 days out, I already feel semi-normal and can see life beyond Babyland. I love it when things you hope and pray for earnestly work out.

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