Carlie here, the trusty authoress of Twinkling Along, a blog about beauty in many forms. If you love to sew, write, read, cook, paint, weave baskets, compose music, or even collect antique wrenches...then you understand the deep craving within the human soul for beauty. I believe our very survival depends on sucking in the small moments of exquisite loveliness in life and taking it to our marrow. I write about the many ways beauty is crossing my path, gargantuan or tiny, and the myriad plans I have for bringing a little more of it into my life. If you want some too, then I'm super glad you're here.
I am from a family of storytellers and have a cocktail of ink and tall tales running through my veins from my mother's newspaper editorship to my grandfather's movie experiments and my early Native American and traditional Jewish roots. I've always loved to read and write and thought stories were one of the best past-times around so when blogs crossed my radar I jumped. In 2005, I gave it a try and posted my very first blog post to the big wide world.
I wrote for five years on another blogging platform, trying to work out the bugs and understand what this new story making thing was all about before coming here to the current site in early 2010 and have been merrily clicking away (twinkling along as it were) ever since.
I am influenced by my deep love for books, my connection to nature, my little boys, my homeschooling roots and future, my faith in an eternal God, my desire to create, my travel dreams, and my curiosity about all living things. Someday I hope to work in architectural salvage, be a laughing old woman with colorful stories, own a round-hipped 1950's pick-up and the be the best fiddler on our block.
Until then, we're living on dreams we create together....and I'm so glad you've come to join the fun!