"She refused to be bored, chiefly because she wasn't boring." Zelda Fitzgerald

Monday, September 27, 2010

The Last Share

Its Monday and I feel somehow like "Real Life" is just beginning again. Our house is truly our own again as all the guests are gone home, and we're off and we have enough dishes and underwear out of boxes to begin zipping along on a somewhat normal path. Today I'm starting my calorie counting again and my daily chore list and we're off to pick up our last round of the farm share.

Its been a good summer, but its time for decidedly more autumnal things like long story hours, crackling fires in our new fireplace, wall painting, letter writing and yes, lots of baking. I'm all for collecting the last bit of produce but I'm ready to wave goodbye to the weekly car trip frenzy that goes with it. 

A very happy Autumn to all of you! And I'm off through misty rain, extra tissues in my pocket for all the runny noses to get the last of the kale and the garlic and then home to a cozy dinner in our house that's starting to feel like our own.


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