"She refused to be bored, chiefly because she wasn't boring." Zelda Fitzgerald

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dragonfly Arranging

Am knee-deep in designing and supplying flowers for a wedding for an acquaintance and having untold amounts of fun (Pictures to follow!) and so my attention is a bit divided at the moment. Tonight is the delicious night when I get to stay up until the wee hours with piles of sweet fern and the open, curling faces of roses for company while the living sculptures take shape. Can't wait to see the bouquet I am making in the hands of the bride! I love doing floral design. Preparing for this wedding A asked me how many weddings I had done now and I did a quick finger-count tally and realized this will be my ninth! Amazing! Know anybody else in need? I will happily do wedding flowers for friends, friends-of-friends and even you! Just drop me a line.

Until then...I am out snipping flowers and greenery and accent bits hither and yon, including but not limited too, my own yard. And I had to share this beautiful jewel of a dragonfly, a huge, glistening Common Green Darner...that was resting on our tomato plants. Wish I could find a way to work him into an arrangement. Isn't he stunning? Can you imagine have one of those front and center on your corsage? Assuming of course that no harm came to said creature and he happily participates in weddings.

Dragonflies are the fastest insects on record, are carnivorous (read: mosquito eating) and absolutely stunning to boot. Someday I am going to catch dragonfly larvae with the boys and raise some to maturity in a little glass bowl in our sunroom. Always wanted to do that...

Peace, love and rose buds,
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