I just had a strawberry, coconut smoothie for dinner tonight. I was out trying out a new yoga studio since my old class time doesn't work for me anymore.
I am in a flex zone in my life. Came home from California and suddenly I feel like I moved! Change is in the wind.
Friends are drifting in and out of my life, I am switching yoga studios, Ru is switching karate teachers, there's an exciting new job for A, we are trying out participating with an additional homeschool group and even trying out a new branch of our library. Handily, I am not freaking out. I feel good. Change has a way of being a tidal wave sometimes so some tumult could come before all the cards are done flipping. Trying to cultivate an attitude of accepting peace. The only thing to do is rest faithfully in the changes and watch the kaleidoscope spin.
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Change is always scary to me, but usually the end result is something that I feel good about, so that gives me courage to "let it be." God is good, and He is faithful. If we are good and faithful too, He always seems to provide and bless. May He guide your steps as you walk this new part of your path!