"She refused to be bored, chiefly because she wasn't boring." Zelda Fitzgerald

Monday, August 8, 2011

Cape Cod, Short and Rainy

Sometimes when you go on vacation, especially for only a weekend jaunt, the weather doesn't get the memo. Our weekend on Cape Cod was good (Can a visit to The Cape actually be bad?) but it has to be admitted that the dopplar radar for our visit wasn't particularly stunning. There was grey and rain, and drizzle and wind. It was blessedly cool, a nice break from our home temperatures, (60's actually much of the time) and the sea is beautiful, even when frothing away in shades of grey and dark green.
We did get one nice beach day. It's starting to be very fun to me to notice the difference in beach flora and fauna. On The Cape they have scallop shells, we mostly have oysters. And they have this lovely fingery electric green seaweed. I just bought a poster of seashells to hang in our homeschool/playroom in hopes that it helps us absorb some of the names. Maybe we can look up some of our loot when we bring treasures home from the sea?

It turns out that Nib is a great sport about sand play and genuinely likes being buried, his brothers were happy to oblige. I even got in on the action. He was so delighted with the whole idea, happily patting his enlarging sandy bottom and chuckling about his bellybutton disappearing.

But no matter how happy the baby is about being buried, it's way cooler to bury Daddy. A is a fantastic sport about sand-play. We make a good team. I will swim in the coldest water, with the most nervous or energetic of children for hours on end and he will sit in the sand and drip sea mud and sprinkle dried seaweed all over him from top to bottom with a wide grin. I can't stand the feeling of sand in my swimsuit and honestly, it even annoys me to sit there with it caked on my legs, gone are the days of my childhood rolls down the sides of dunes. Good thing there are two of us. Specialization is a great thing sometimes.

You have to admit they're cute. My sister-in-law, Jane, said after seeing this photo, "They come in small, medium and large, just like the three bears." I love that Nib wants to be with his big brothers and that the big boys are such good friends too. Makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

I love the hydrangea on every front lawn, everyone does....they're amazing. Huge frothy piles of blooms, soft and sherbety or sharp and royal blue...they have all kinds....the point is to have some. I kept thinking about my one ignored hydrangea bush that I divided this year and put all over the lawn, hopefully I'll get blooms next year all around the house.

There was a legendary checkers game in the country store in Hyannis, Ru is just learning how to play and not to the genuinely good stage yet but solidly in the "Daddy will allow you to win stage" which is nonetheless great fun to watch.

Love those amazing swirling views across the salt marshes. Never "got" salt marshes until we moved out here but I sure do now. My nearby aunt happens to live on one! How lucky is she?

And when in Massachusetts it seems important to eat at Dunkin Donuts. Most of the branches in the world have stopped baking their own donuts but now ship them from central factories. This particular store happened to be making their own. Not sure what that was about...perhaps they only bake them fresh in Massachusetts? I'd believe it. :) In any case, it was a happy accident.

And then I picked a bundle of fresh wintergreen and we drove the length of The Cape in a driving rain and came home. It was good to get away and even though the weather wasn't poster perfect Cape Cod is Cape Cod and we'll be back.

Cape Cod, vacation, sea, seaweed, sand, Dunkin Donuts, eat, wintergreen, summer, family, shells, seashore, ocean, weather, rain, grey, cloudy, Hyannis, Yarmouth, saltmarsh, boys, children, parenting, Daddy, swimming
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