"She refused to be bored, chiefly because she wasn't boring." Zelda Fitzgerald

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Forgotten Flowers

I started packing yesterday and managed to get four boxes shoved full of books, labelled and strapped with tape. I am trying to pack the books by category since that's how I try to shelve them. Yesterday, I packed a box of A's religion texts, children's storybooks, theatre scripts and books and finally a box of nature tomes. Most of our nature books are garden books (though of course not exclusively) and this made me suddenly think of our garden! Poor forgotten thing!
I have been a very inattentive garden owner this year. Between travel, hot weather, baby arrival and buying a house I've been all kinds of distracted or unavailable. So, today I wandered out and gave it a smidge of attention. Here's a little summary of a few of this year's first time successes which you have to know are also some degree of hardy since they performed virtually unaided.

My new white hydrangeas which I bought last year.                    Dinner plate dahlias! So pretty!

                                     And okay....so this wasn't a first time success...last year was but, truly, I cannot get enough of the much maligned and yes, somewhat over-used Shasta daisy....they go and go and go...and come on...they're daisies. You can't have too many.

I grew hollyhocks! Been wanting to for years...such a pretty grandmother's favorite flower

                               ....with such cool buds! Love how they look like tiny green buttons.

Look at that sweet little campanula...balloon flower is an extremely cute thing folks.

And phlox! Yay! They smell amazing, and they're such a standard. Makes me very happy to announce that this year finally was the first year that the local rabbits didn't managed to munch it to the ground before it bloomed! Woohoo!!! Me: 1 Rabbits: 0


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